PREPARATION INformation for conference participants

Audition preparation information available on Audition/Application page.

Song Preparation

All songs that you sing in your working session MUST be memorized and ready to work. NO EXCEPTIONS. Each singer should bring a minimum of 8 songs. More is better.

Your songs may be from any source, i.e., Broadway, standards, jazz, pop, etc. Please choose a variety of song styles - up-tempo, comic, story songs, standards, contemporary, etc. You must provide sheet music or lead sheets. Please organize your sheet music bookstyle in a binder. Please make sure they are copies, not originals, as they may be written on and/or used in your showcase performance and possibly not returned to you as it gets hectic after the showcase is over.

Other preparation

It is highly recommended that all singers record their work sessions – either audio or video (phone, tablet).  This provides a valuable record and learning tool for future reference.  You also need to bring paper and pens/pencils.


Clothing for master class sessions is casual and up to you. Wear something you are comfortable in. Keep in mind that temperature may vary in classrooms. It is very hot in St. Louis in the summer, but temperature control in the classrooms goes up and down. It is suggested that you “layer” so you can add and remove to adjust for your comfort level.

Please bring one performance outfit that you feel great about performing in for your showcase. Also keep in mind that you will attend evening performances. These are not formal, but most will feel comfortable in nice attire suitable for concerts.